Tag:   Civic tech communities and platforms > Parliamentary Monitoring Organizations Community of Practice - (17)

Showing 17 Results

 科技、民主與社會研究中心 - Center for Research on Technology, Democracy and Society (DSET)

As a national think tank, we are committed to proposing policy recommendations on emerging technologies based on the public needs of democracy and society and to offering the international community a unique Taiwanese perspective.

歐噴有限公司 OpenFun Ltd.

歐噴這名字,取自於 Open 這個單字,公司創辦人 Ronny 過去參與許多開放政府(Open Goverement)運動,長期推動開放資料(Open Data),並且使用及貢獻開放原始碼(Open Source)

Observatorio Cali Visible (OCV)

Institución de Educación Superior sujeta a control y vigilancia por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional”. Decreto 1075 de 2015 / Resolución 12220 de 2016


Parliamentary monitoring and democracy watchdog organisation using civic tech to promote transparency, accountability and citizen engagement.



No. 1 Building, 6th Floor, Soi Patpong, 1 Surawong Rd, Bang Rak, Bangkok 10500

We create meaningful conversation with data + design + story.

Fondazione openpolis

Fondazione openpolis

Associazione Openpolis, Via degli Equi 42, 00185 Roma T. Italy

Openpolis è una fondazione indipendente e senza scopo di lucro che promuove progetti per l'accesso alle informazioni pubbliche, la trasparenza e la partecipazione democratica

Centar za istrazivanje, transparentnost i odgovornost (CRTA)

Mi smo grupa aktivista i novinara koja zajedno sa građanima utiče na povećanje odgovornosti institucija i javnih funkcionera kroz praćenje i kontrolu njihovog rada.



Bangkok, Thailand

WeVis is a civic technology aiming to empower people to reclaim an active role in political life through technology and open data. We curate, analyze and visualize any relevant data to make democracy more open and more transparent, encouraging people to express their opinions and make better decisions.

Parliamentary Network Africa

Parliamentary Network Africa


Parliamentary Network Africa (PNAfrica) is a convenor and connector of civil society parliamentary monitoring organizations and journalists towards promoting Open Parliaments across Africa.

Political Watch

Political Watch

Avda. Cardenal Herrera Oria 63, 3º Izda - 28034, Madrid Spain

EL THINK-AND-DO TANK de la Fundación Salvador Soler

Open Knowledge Brasil

Open Knowledge Brasil

Brazil (Brasil)

A Open Knowledge Brasil (OKBR), também chamada de Rede pelo Conhecimento Livre, é o capítulo da Open Knowledge Internacional no Brasil.

Fundación Directorio Legislativo (FDL)

Fundación Directorio Legislativo (FDL)

Av. Entre Rios 258 3E (1079 - Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires - Argentina)

Directorio Legislativo is an Argentina-based research and advocacy organisation focusing on legislative transparency, consensus building and research on current regulatory affairs.


Mzalendo is a non-partisan entity that keeps an eye on Kenyan Parliament with a mission to facilitate public participation in Parliamentary processes through Information Sharing, Research and Networking.




Odekro began as an open data initiative but it has grown into a national platform which promotes transparency and citizen participation. The site says it sets out to improve social mobilisation, citizen action, and engagement using technology.



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

mySociety is a not-for-profit social enterprise that exists to invent and popularise websites and apps that enable citizens around the world to exert power over institutions and decision makers.

Parliamentary Monitoring Group (PMG)

Parliamentary Monitoring Group (PMG)

Parliamentary Monitoring Group, 2nd floor, Associated Magazines, 21 St. Johns Street, Cape Town 8001

PMG aims to provide accurate, objective, and current information on all parliamentary committee proceedings in the form of detailed, unofficial minutes and documents and since 2007, sound recordings of the meeting.

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